Express Booking
Book your car online fast and easy through our secure booking system and get the best prices
Insurance Included
All of our prices include third party insurance and we also offer C.D.W with low excess
No Credit Card Required
Rent a vehicle without the use of a credit card and without the need of a security deposit
What advantages will you get using an escooter?
Unlimited Kilometers
You can travel as far as you like on Zakynthos without worrying about mileage.
Free Delivery & Pick Up
Charge your electric vehicle at home using one of our smart.
Free Cancellations & Amendments
We allow you to cancel or change your reservation for free if you notify us at least one week before the pick-up date.

Free Third Party Insurance
Third party liability insurance included in the price
Free Booster Seats & Baby Seat
Child booster seats and the first baby seat are free.
24h Support Line
Anytime, day or night, seven days a week, you can phone us if you have any issues during the rental period.
Our Fleet